Terms & Conditions
The Craft Market is run by co-organisers Mike and Di Reed. Mike Reed is the licenced Market Trader and has overall responsibility for the events and final decision making in all matters. The Craft Market is held on Fridays and Saturdays, with occasional other days, between April and September, alternating between Tarbert Community Centre on the Isle of Harris, Stornoway Sea Angling Club, with occasional dates in Barvas & Brue Community Hall. There is also a Christmas season running in Stornoway Sea Angling Club, in November and December.
The events are fully licenced and insured. However, individual losses are not covered by the group insurance so you may wish to take out personal cover for your table.
Trading times at all venues: 10am-4pm
Traders must declare what they propose to sell and inform the Market Trader if they wish to change or add to stock. Tableholders who do not have website or Facebook pages may be asked to provide photographic evidence of the stock they intend to sell, and are not expected to deviate from this without discussion with the Market Trader. Items on the restricted list (see below) must not be included and traders are asked to respect what others are selling, and not copy ideas. The Market Trader reserves the right to remove any items put up for sale considered unsuitable.
All requests for tables are evaluated by the Market Trader.
New traders looking to join The Craft Market usually have to wait for a space to become available, which can take time. You are more likely to be offered a table if you are doing something different to what is already in the hall. New traders are welcome to ask for tables, and their requests will be held for the duration of the trading year. If we have not been able to offer you anything in that period, you should write to us again at the beginning of the new season.
Jumble; electrical goods, toys.
Cooked foods including baking and preserves have to comply with CNES trading standards and the appropriate licence obtained; this also applies to cosmetics and toiletries (anything that is used on the skin).
Double tables are allocated at the discretion of the Market Trader. They are usually given to traders who sell enough to cover the additional cost, and who have large items to display and/or an extensive range of stock.
Tables may be requested as soon as dates are announced, and at any time up to within three days of the event. Bookings will be confirmed according to availability. Traders will be emailed in the week leading up to the event to confirm bookings. If you request a table and cannot attend on the day, please let us know as soon as possible, no later than the Wednesday before the event, as there may be other people who could fill the space. Frequent cancellations or failures to attend will result in loss of the table.
You are expected to honour any table bookings you make, unless there is a genuine reason you cannot attend, such as medical, transportation or other emergency. If you do not attend an event you have booked for any other reason, or fail to notify us within reasonable time, you will be invoiced for the tables at the Market Trader's discretion.
Requests for tables should be made online by contacting The Craft Market –
Email: [email protected]
If you are not online, call Mike or Di on: 01851 880233.
Dates are posted on the website at www.craftmarkethebrides.com
Traders are allocated space within the hall by the Market Trader. Any change to your situation - eg cancellation or change of stock - must be discussed with the Market Trader. Private arrangements between tableholders which are not agreed with the Market Trader will not be upheld. Please ask and we will always do our best to help.
Tables and chairs are provided, but traders must supply their own table cover and display materials. Display of goods should be in keeping with the standards of the event. If traders wish to use free-standing displays, this will depend on table position and must be discussed and agreed with the Market Trader.
Prices for all items displayed must be clearly visible.
A single table costs £10-£12 per day; double tables are charged at £12-£18 per day, depending on location within the hall, and with some concessions at the discretion of the Market Trader. Payment is made on the day in both venues.
The Craft Market's sole source of revenue is the table rents paid by table holders. These cover hall fees, insurance, website, promotion and other expenses outlaid by the Market Trader.
There are no other charges involved in attendance.
Any cancellations must be made no later than the Wednesday prior to the event, excepting emergency. The Market Trader reserves the right to charge for any tables booked but not used, as this affects event revenue.
Tableholders are therefore asked to consider carefully the dates they book in advance.
Traders can access the hall from 9am to set up their table displays. Traders are asked not to begin packing up earlier than 4pm, unless there are special circumstances. Traders who routinely break down early run the risk of losing their table. The hall must be clear by 5pm. Traders are asked to break down their own tables before they leave the hall and to pick up any litter in the immediate area.
Both venues offer WCs and kitchen facilities for making hot drinks. Tea and milk are provided.
All stock at all times is the responsibility of the table holder. The Market Trader is not able to intervene between the tableholder and any customer complaint/dealings.
Stock quality: To have a realistic chance of sales, all table holders must sell goods that are compatible with the standards of quality delivered by the event.
Tables for the Christmas season are awarded in the first instance on the basis of attendance in Stornoway Town Hall and Tarbert Community Centre during the Spring and Summer season.
Any queries or problems regarding behaviour should be referred to the co-organisers Mike & Di Reed.
Table holders are expected to treat fellow traders, visiting public, facilities and organisers with respect, and uphold the community spirit of the event.
Any trader acting inappropriately will have their tables revoked.
Charities are invited to request tables at The Craft Market. Tables for charities are not charged. Independent fundraising undertaken by table holders must be approved by the Market Trader.